super meatboy

Indie Game: The Movie

This weeks pick is Indie Game: The movie, a film I have no idea where I came across or why I watched, but I did and I loved it. I’m not involved in indie games either as a developer or a played , I’m not even a gamer, but I really enjoyed this documentary. You really get involved with the guys who are pouring their lives into these games and find yourself willing them to succeed. I particularly enjoyed it as it’s a good look at the life of an independent creative and the highs and lows that it brings. The developers talking about why they make games, and how the creative process, for them, is a way to communicate with the world. This film is being screened this Sunday as part of the Darklight film festival. Here’s the trailer to whet your appetite.

 Disclosure: I have no affiliation with this product or service, I just think it’s epic!